Wednesday, August 20, 2008

obsessions and such

Death is an obsession with the antithesis to forever. Considering the nature of forever, I find the number of people inflicted with this obsession almost shocking. Perhaps people confuse foreverness with stability and comfortably lodge themselves in it’s crevices- reassuring places they feel tumult wont find them.

These crevices are dangerous places where fools find peace in the illusion of stability. Dark things lurk in these depths – like other peoples fears. Why do you continue to dwell in your blindness, forgetting that one day water levels may rise, making you the puke of the earth. The walls will close in on you, to block out that narrow strip of sky-salvation you are convinced will be your redemption. It is only a matter of time before these crevices become gorges and you plummet to your death, intriguing, mysterious – not half as bad. Considering your love for stability perhaps even better, how much more stable can you get than when you are a static victim of the great leveler?

It is not the illusion of stability that is the problem with foreverness, for illusions may be shaken off. It is the very never-ending nature of never-ending-forevernes that kills you over and over again throughout your search for that static stability that you ultimately find in what you run away from – your death. When your obsession with foreverness is actually an obsession with its illusion of stasis, why then this fear of what will ultimately and irreversibly still you forever?

Stop making mistakes and your love for second chances will disappear, with it your obsession with immortality.


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