Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Lahores latest fetish

Let me intrduce you to lahores latest fetish : Billboards. All shapes and sizes, uncannily resembling each other these billboards are completely pointless distractions from the roads that are already jam packed with cars twice their capacity. Not only this but a vast number of these cars are driven by drivers who seem to have no conception of law and order whatsoever. Organisation alongside the concept of traffic lights siezes to exist in their fake-faced billboard filled world.
I miss the days when i went to school without being bombarded with a larger than life image of amina haqs toothy pathetically fake grin, the cause of which is supposedly UBL's latest scheme in credit/ATM cards - perhaps they pay everyone who holds their card upright with the aid of ones index finger and thumb, in such circumstances the smile would be understandable.
Let me take this opportunity to comment on pepsi and walls magnums insanely vulgur and suggestive ad campaigns, i just love how they seem to find there way opposite masjids and the likes. Sadly hypocrisy and tacky-ness is something this muslim country seems to have learnt well. I'm not much of a critic,hell im hardly anyone to talk on what goes well with islam and what is acceptable/unacceptable mainly because i am not particularly educated on the subject however one thing i know for certain, open mouths, wide eyed provocative looks and suggestive insertions of ice cream bars - the whole madonna-whore theory certainly doesnt apply to islams concept of modesty and humility.
Not only this but billboards and lahores latest car financing schemes have if not destroyed but tainted my conception of this city forever. I hate standing here watching MY city go to the dogs. couldnt they have done something better? Agreed my "they" is undefined and a convenient way of pinning the blame on an unknown body that carries responsibility, that said i guess im talking about the government in a broad sense and more specifically some wing of its. Right now however at 2 am all i can do is bitch. Perhaps someone can give me ideas or suggestions on what to do. Someone who shares my love for this amazing city, one that has given me everything today from childhood memories to an identity. Though ive always been skeptical of patriotism i cant help but be proud when i think of lahore.
To me the car financing scheme seems like a quick and easy fix it to the growing poverty coupled with the transportation needs felt by every family in lahore. A better solution would have been drastically improving the public transportation, ofcourse that requires a whole lot of money and dedication something im guessing the government is not willing to provide. I know its easier said than done, but saying it is nonetheless a start.
As for the billboards i think Lahoris need to made a collective effort to reclaim public space. The view and the air, lahores beautiful greenery and the right and liberty to not have gigantic make up caked faces scare us everytime we go out for a drive should be reclaimed by none other than us lahoris. This reclaimation of public space shouldnt stop just at billboards, it must be extended in an effort to stop pollution, littering, spitting, peeing against walls all this must stop. if we love this place lets show it some respect.


Blogger G said...

lahori love known its home in me. i am a takner for lahori love. if lahori love is an ocean, i'm the giant depression in the earth's crust that it sits in. :) I'm happier they've got car financing schemes out there (hopefully Islamic financing lease and rental schemes rather than interest based), way way way happier than if the govt. had decided its bureacrats and hired toadies needed more kickbacks and so what better way to launder their money than to give them contracts for costly, ineffective and sub standard public transportation schemes. at least they're building the link road. maybe the army gets a 'kick' out of that, who knows. our city's skyline will become unpolluted at just about the same rate as our society's mind begins to cleanse itself. otherwise i shall have to return and begin a bloody purge. u game?

August 12, 2005 at 9:08 AM  
Blogger G said...

hmm. that sounds rushed. but i am indeed rushed. my boss is coming. i hear his footfalls from up the hall. must act like i'm doing work. be well.

August 12, 2005 at 9:09 AM  
Blogger khiju said...

there was a time when billboards were painted; those mammoth movie posters are still painted in areas like mazang chungi...unfortunately, the digital revolution has brought these painters onto the streets - no more jobs for them. Old punjabi movie posters are exported to london and other parts of europe for exhibitions; people actually collect these posters as a unique art form that'll soon become extinct from the streets of Lahore. Kher, this problem is greater for India, thousands have already gone jobless.

its sad, but we've kissed our own art out of our own country. This only adds to the fury of having to drive by gigantic models smiling at you in toothpaste adds and god knows what else.

As for the government, I dont think they have any 'real' power anymore. The military runs the show now...and lahore is only going to get worse unless we get another shahbaz sharif like politician to come and beautify the city and start projects, like the one in which he imported trees from the emirates for the main boulevard ! i dont like him otherwise though...

August 13, 2005 at 5:27 PM  

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