Wednesday, July 20, 2005


leg bounces vigorously applyin pressure on all five toes, less so on the subsequent smaller ones more so on the big toe. The one people look at and say "ooohhh what a large toenail... can i paint it?" yes and while your at it can you and the rest of the world get over it ?
fingers tapping impatiently on suraface of laptop. distinct karaake - daar nail against fibre glass cccrrrr-cccrrrr-crack-ccrraacckk-ccccccrrrrrraaaaaaaacccckkk.
stillness. complete suspension of time. nothing moves forward, nothing moves backward. blank stare. Bone on skin - scratching neck, a bit like cheese being grated.
emptiness that weighs a ton.
then. ...inhale.... a moment of doubt, indecision, alarm....exhale... its gone. Relief.
Furrowed brows behind which the mind wonders when it will return..
whenever alone... you always have someone on your mind...... sinister voice on radio one.
scurrying irises.... in search.... of what ?!
yellow book - beacon of light.
you always have someone on your mind ............


Blogger G said...

heyy. sorry abt putting messing up your privacy :( i changed it now, so heres hoping no one tries to make the frandship with you anymore. aur sunao, kya haal?

July 20, 2005 at 10:20 PM  
Blogger G said...

honestly, no. i think the damage is already done when u come here, after that its just an uphill battle to keep what you hold dear about yourself the most. but thats probably the way it is with all sweeping changes that mess up your life. cheers? :)

July 21, 2005 at 8:26 AM  

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