Spring Time
i like it when you poke that needle in my eye.
like it when you meticulously slice the veins in there easing them into the colour of spring- such a pretty red, growing babies brimful of secret whispered prayers to battle all that is dark. slender slits of blood streak my vision until my world turns the colour of love, my roses are in full bloom. I like it when i cant breathe anymore - finally relieved of that obligation. i like it when you stick that corkscrew up my nose so carefully, twisting that perfectly distorted metal, designed to leaves nothing but bloody ruin, scraping up all the pain and pointing it in the right direction, piercing my brain. You're better than heaven, your rivers of roses leave me wanting nothing beyond. Pretty girls never made much use of milk and honey anyway.I like it when you peel me, starting from the edges of my toenails right up to the insides of my lips. I like it when you chew on my eyeballs and slice my tongue into two - oh yes i love it when you feed me salt - but i hate it when you make me love you.
i like pretending i dont know how to swim. Drowning - like loving you - satisfies strangely.
(May 25th 2005)
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