Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Angel underwater

"angels must get really tired carrying around such heavy wings and all...."
i turn the corner and catch a glimpse of you. The hint of a smile, a shoulder sticking out of the entrance to a store, the back of your head, your dark all encompassing hair, your eyes - piercing, intense but childlike the next minute. Shoes only you would wear. I follow in silence, my heart providing the soundtrack, i get lost somewhere on the way. I never see all of you, just parts, fragments, little pieces belonging to other people that i steal and keep to myself buried deep down inside with all that is sacred. I share you with the mirror, ask questions to the fragments contained within, put them together and find my own answers till the next time they fall apart.I want to choke you and pull you under, till you're drowning with me so that the next time you come up for air we inhale in sync.


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